Collusion Complete Set (Small) (Mechanic Industries)
Jewellery set that impossibly melds the gap between coin & ring magic Collusion is a 4-piece ensemble, cast in high-carbon stainless steel and finished with a dark, ebony inlay.
Jewellery set that impossibly melds the gap between coin & ring magic Collusion is a 4-piece ensemble, cast in high-carbon stainless steel and finished with a dark, ebony inlay.
A new innovation in Sponge Ball magic! This utility prop allows you to perform visual color changes, transformations, and transpositions.
Anverdi's Color Match has solved all of the problems of previously released versions. The technology used in this official Anverdi version of Color Match is breathtaking.
Succès garanti avec ce bonneteau original de 3 cartes normales où le spectateur ne gagne jamais. Et bien sûr un final époustouflant !!!
Le set parfait pour monter une belle routine de dés à coudre. Au total 16 dés vous sont fournis.
Present a die with six different-colored sides. The spectator chooses one of them while your back is turned, and encloses the cube in an opaque box. You'll always be able to guess which side has been chosen.
Three balls magically interact with three cups jumping from cup to cup, vanishing or appearing mysteriously. At the end of the routine under the cup will appear an object bigger than the balls and the audience will go mad!
Cup routines are numerous. Crazy Ball is an innovative and highly original version in which you will find almost all of the key effects of magic. Crazy Ball is the result of a long creative research project which was undertaken by its creator, Bruno COPIN.
Turn ancient Chinese coins into interactive magical wonders with Crazy Chinese Coins: a spectacular moving hole routine that will amaze your audience.
The magician ties his thumb and index finger together with the electrical tape. Everything can be examined before the performance. After everyone agrees that there is no way in or out, he penetrates a watch or a solid ring, as fast as it was in, and it's out again. Amazing!
Crazy-Hole 2.0: Move the impossible before your spectators' eyes with a hole that defies logic. A captivating and unforgettable magic effect!
Move an ordinary ring from one finger to another in plain sight… then take the impossible even further by swapping your own finger! Crazy Sam’s Finger Ring is a highly visual effect with no gimmicks or setup, ready to amaze anytime, anywhere.
This project is the encyclopedia of Cube Solves by one of the most talked-about magicians, Sam Huang. In this project, you will learn all of his incredible breakthroughs in instant cube solve.
A rubber band will visually change color from red to yellow. That's great, but you'll only be using one rubber band to make this color change.
Be part of the 400 magicians around the globe who will only be able to know how Montoro's mind really works! Vol.1
Be part of the 400 magicians around the globe who will only be able to know how Montoro's mind really works! Vol.2
Voici une grande illusion comme en en voit à la télévision, mais en petit format ! Vous allez pouvoir réaliser l’impossible, traverser un anneau avec un autre matériau tout aussi solide comme la lame d’une épée. C’est incroyable !
An automatic and very inventive pocket trick. The coin escape takes place in impossible conditions!
An automatic and very inventive pocket trick. The coin escape takes place in impossible conditions!
An automatic and very inventive pocket trick. The coin escape takes place in impossible conditions!
The performer shows a transparent tube and pushes a small handkerchief through it. He then takes a sheet of paper, covers the cylinder, and wraps it up. He then hands the cylinder to a spectator to hold. At some point later in the performance, the spectator may unwrap the cylinder to find the silk has vanished!
Everyone knows that solving a Cube can be a long, frustrating, hair-pulling feat. That is, until Steven Brundage steps in and short-circuits the whole idea, by turning a near-impossible puzzle into a jarring moment of excitement.
A great routine with 6 as soon as the magician will be able to calculate the sum of the top faces in a fraction of a second.
We absolutely love Francis Menotti. He comes up with material NOBODY else would possibly think of, and his effects are always intriguing to audiences.
Cupcake is a versatile magnetic cup that can perform with both balls and coins in a same time. It's a clever combination of Chop Cup and Slot Okito Box. It can be used to perform both the traditional Single Cup and Ball Routine and a large number of coin magic with the regular half-dollar coin.