Cartridge for Double Cross (Refill) (Mark Southworth)
Here's the solution to help you enjoy your Double Cross! This is the vanishing ink replacement cartridge for Double Cross.
Here's the solution to help you enjoy your Double Cross! This is the vanishing ink replacement cartridge for Double Cross.
Cesaral Magic brand is the result of twenty years of dedication, in several professional aspects (computers, engineering, design, production, and communication to name a few), by a lover of magic called Cesar Alonso. Discover his new concept in this DVD.
The magician displays four jumbo Chinese coins. He clearly places one of the coins into his pocket and closes his hand around the remaining coins. When he opens his hand, he still has four coins! This is repeated several times and then things get out of control !
Gustavo presents an innovation of the classic drawer box, adapted to use with the classic universal chocolate bars (Kinder bars). The most magical thing about this effect is that the spectator can receive a present you made appear.
Choco choco is a fully automatic item that can be filled with chocolates in less than a second . you can appear yummy chocolates or make them vanished whenever you want !
A cigarette pierces a chosen card and is signed at random! Then when the magician removes the cigarette... there are no more holes or burns! Fully examinable Killer Effect!
The magician shows a cigarette, he puts it near his nostril, and starts to push. Visibly the cigarette is seen to be going up his nose! After having pushed it completely up his nose, he shows his hand to be empty!
Cinemagic, An original idea by Gustavo Raley. CINEMAGIC is a powerful effect that includes revelation and animation, using a smart system designed by Gustavo Raley.
Cinemagic, An original idea by Gustavo Raley. CINEMAGIC is a powerful effect that includes revelation and animation, using a smart system designed by Gustavo Raley.
Cinemagic, An original idea by Gustavo Raley. CINEMAGIC is a powerful effect that includes revelation and animation, using a smart system designed by Gustavo Raley.
Quit carrying your close-up props all jumbled together in a mess. It's time to give your props the care they deserve and your show that professional touch of being fumble-free with the Close-Up Handbag!
Quit carrying your close-up props all jumbled together in a mess. It's time to give your props the care they deserve and your show that professional touch of being fumble-free with the Close-Up Handbag!
Adds extra pockets to the inside of any jacket for cards, coins, packet tricks, business cards, thumb tips, markers, etc.
Anverdi's Color Match has solved all of the problems of previously released versions. The technology used in this official Anverdi version of Color Match is breathtaking.
This project is the encyclopedia of Cube Solves by one of the most talked-about magicians, Sam Huang. In this project, you will learn all of his incredible breakthroughs in instant cube solve.
Deck TR is a programmable invisible thread reel cleverly disguised within a playing card box! What's more natural for a magician than to have a deck of cards on them? Who would ever suspect that a deck of cards or card box has anything to do with the magician causing objects to float or move? Well, Deck TR can do just that!
DEFORMER is a new metal bending tool specifically designed for bending spoons, forks, keys and even nails, into impossible shapes - BENDS YOU CANNOT ACHIEVE BY HAND.
This paper vanishes before your eyes. It's amazing! Every trace of evidence is completely removed. Put the paper in water, stir, and it is gone. Top security for memos, secret formulas, love notes, etc. Useful for advertising gimmicks and magic. Can be written on or printed like ordinary paper. 25 sheets per pack. 2 1/2" x 4 1/4"
This paper vanishes before your eyes. It's amazing! Every trace of evidence is completely removed. Put the paper in water, stir, and it is gone. Top security for memos, secret formulas, love notes, invitations, etc. Useful for advertising gimmicks, and magic. Can be written upon or printed like ordinary paper. 4 sheets per pack. 8 3/4" x 10 1/2"
Distance is a fast attention grabber with nothing but a pen that sits in your pocket. Not only it is visually engaging, everyone walks out with a new skill they can share with their friends and talk about YOU!
The secret behind Double Cross is diabolically clever, and perhaps more importantly, practical. It's always inked and ready to go. There is nothing you need to make or prepare beforehand - just throw the pen in your pocket and you can perform it all night long.
DROP, an innovative, effective and transportable gimmick!!! Card to the box, appearance of various objects, change for mentalism... DROP is all this and more!
La Saga des élastiques est une référence depuis de nombreuses années. Vous avez enfin la chance de découvrir (ou de redécouvrir) cette vidéo mythique en DVD ! Pas moins de 30 minutes de bonus inédits ont été spécialement tournés pour cette réédition.
Purpose-built to make every moment crystal clear and engaging, Echo draws amazing responses from the onstage participant, and then from the crowd.
The opaque black Eco-Box is identical in appearance to a small department store jewelry box and puts the punchline at the end of the routine leaving the spectators to wonder how the card teleported into the box, instead of watching for a clever switch. The Eco-Box is designed as the ultimate tool for working close-up or strolling magicians and mentalists.