2000 Three card Monte (Henry Evans)
One of Henry's most direct and visual routines. Comes with three normal Bicycle cards (uses any three cards), the necessary secret gimmicks and photo-illustrated instructions.
One of Henry's most direct and visual routines. Comes with three normal Bicycle cards (uses any three cards), the necessary secret gimmicks and photo-illustrated instructions.
This is the classic Three Card Monte but done with dominoes. Two double fives and one double one. You mix up the dominos. No matter how closely the spectator watches, he will never fine the double one. He will be completely fooled again and again.
Le tour en soi est presque une leçon complète sur l’art de la magie. Ce tour est l’un des plus bels effets du monde de la prestidigitation. Ce tour est d’ailleurs défini comme un grand classique, et croyez bien que s’il n’était pas vraiment excellent, il n’aurait pas survécu plus de 3000 ans!
Le tour en soi est presque une leçon complète sur l’art de la magie. Ce tour est l’un des plus bels effets du monde de la prestidigitation. Ce tour est d’ailleurs défini comme un grand classique, et croyez bien que s’il n’était pas vraiment excellent, il n’aurait pas survécu plus de 3000 ans!
This chop cup version features new machining technology to conceal the gimmick and ensure that the three cups are identical! Several improvements have been made to the details.
A signed bill and a regular cup are used to perform the most stunning 7 phase Chop Cup style routine you will ever see. To finish, a real lemon appears and the bill is visibly pushed into the lemon, leaving your hands empty. At this point the lemon can be examined before it is cut open to reveal the spectators signed bill inside - KILLER!
A nutmeg passes through a previously examined beaker. Placed in a pocket, the nutmeg magically reappears under the cup. The operation is repeated... A great classic. The quality of this beaker is irreproachable.
Une muscade passe au travers d'un gobelet préalablement examiné. Placée dans une poche, la muscade réapparaît magiquement sous le gobelet. L'opération est répétée...Un grand classique.
A small ball pass through a cup. Place it into one of your pockets, it will magically reappears in hte cup. This may be repeated several times.
A small ball pass through a cup. Place it into one of your pockets, it will magically reappears in hte cup. This may be repeated several times.
The perfect cups (porcelain look) for this classic effect. Set includes two regular cups, one rigged cup and 4 nutmegs.
Le must pour une routine de gobelets : Trois gobelets en aluminium dont un chop cup + 4 muscades dont une aimantable. Le chop cup vous permettra de réaliser des miracles, dans une routine des 3 gobelets.
Ditch the classic Chop Cup, and use Chop Mug instead. After all, what looks more natural and unprepared than a mug? By incorporating this prop into everyday life, the audience will never doubt that the mug is a magic prop. You can then perform all the Chop Cup routines you want.
This version of the famous Chop Cup its great because everyone can relate to it! Is ideal for any type of shows including virtual shows.
Succès garanti avec ce bonneteau original de 3 cartes normales où le spectateur ne gagne jamais. Et bien sûr un final époustouflant !!!
Three balls magically interact with three cups jumping from cup to cup, vanishing or appearing mysteriously. At the end of the routine under the cup will appear an object bigger than the balls and the audience will go mad!
Cup routines are numerous. Crazy Ball is an innovative and highly original version in which you will find almost all of the key effects of magic. Crazy Ball is the result of a long creative research project which was undertaken by its creator, Bruno COPIN.
Cupcake is a versatile magnetic cup that can perform with both balls and coins in a same time. It's a clever combination of Chop Cup and Slot Okito Box. It can be used to perform both the traditional Single Cup and Ball Routine and a large number of coin magic with the regular half-dollar coin.
Beautiful aluminum spun double beaded cups. Light weight and large!
Three fantastic small balls join together. Put them in three different cups, thy vanish, reappear, and inevitably join together.
Le tour en soi est presque une leçon complète sur l’art de la magie. Ce tour est l’un des plus bels effets du monde de la prestidigitation. Ce tour est d’ailleurs défini comme un grand classique, et croyez bien que s’il n’était pas vraiment excellent, il n’aurait pas survécu plus de 3000 ans!
This dice cup is the only one on the market having a regular shape. Most other dice cups are straight. One of the first to use a non-straight dice cup was the great Pepe Carroll with his wonderful dice stacking routine.