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This set of four sponge balls is perfect for all your sponge ball or cup routines. You can do amazing appearances, productions, vanishes, teleportations, and more.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick

Vous étiez nombreux à nous demander un barillet autobloquant, le voici enfin ! Voici un barillet rapide et réactif en plastique, qui bloque automatiquement le fil lorsque vous le déroulez. Pour qu'il se rembobine, rien de plus simple, il suffit d'appuyer sur le petit bouton central. Nombreuses utilisations en magie possibles.

tour de magie en promotion
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick
14.5 €12.3

The reel is a classic magician's gimmick with permits. Palm in your hand, to vanish the silk, coin, or something, even a deck of cards.

tour de magie en promotion
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick
16.5 €14

The reel is a classic magician's gimmick with permits. Palm in your hand, to vanish the silk, coin, or something, even a deck of cards.

tour de magie en promotion
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
No difficulty for this magic's trick
14 €11.9

(Mr Tango)

Voici les élastiques de rechange pour les pièces truquées Flipper coin de Mr Tango ! Vous disposerez ainsi d'une recharge de fil transparent d'une longueur d'un mètre à utiliser en combinaison avec vos flippers coins.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
No difficulty for this magic's trick

(Albert Goshman)

Sachet économique pour toutes vos routines de balles-éponge ou de gobelets. Vous réaliserez de magnifiques apparitions, productions, disparition, téléportations et autre, grâce à ces balles de très bonne qualité... Idéal pour vos stages de magie ou pour travailler à l’hôpital ! Diamètre : 2.8 cm Livré en sachet de 50 balles.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Magic's trick in restocking
No difficulty for this magic's trick

Increase the magician's mystique,and luxuriant “clothes" for your magic ! This box is specially used to put the predictions note, cards, also the deck, elastic, ring or something! The box can hold 3 decks !

tour de magie
magic's trick
Magic's trick in restocking
No difficulty for this magic's trick

Here is a poster from the 90s that will complete your collection or simply adorn one of the walls of your magical sanctuary or any other magical place. Dimensions: 43.5 x 28 cm.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
No difficulty for this magic's trick

Want to drink the beer? but do not have a bottle opener on hand, donot worry, the magician takes a piece of paper and begins to draw a bottle opener, after finished, cut if off with a scissor. The bottle is opened magicially with the paper bottle opener.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
No difficulty for this magic's trick

Want to drink the beer? but do not have a bottle opener on hand, donot worry, the magician takes a piece of paper and begins to draw a bottle opener, after finished, cut if off with a scissor. The bottle is opened magicially with the paper bottle opener.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
No difficulty for this magic's trick

This is the ideal ring for performing the classic "Ring on Rope" routines with which Daryl and Colombini have amazed us for years.

tour de magie en promotion
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
No difficulty for this magic's trick
13.5 €11.5

Tout comme une quêteuse, ce sac à change vous permettra de faire disparaître, faire apparaître un objet ou même changer un objet par un autre. La particularité de ce modèle séparable est que vous allez pouvoir l'ouvrir en deux parties lançant l'objet apparu dans les airs... Très visuel !

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
No difficulty for this magic's trick

(Victor Voitko)

Trick + the video instruction The JL original magic product from Korea. You produce some coins and the three canes from your purse. This set is included: three canes one purse Size of cane : length of about 90cm, diameter 1.7cm Size of purse : landscape about 9cm, length of about 7.5cm

tour de magie
magic's trick
Magic's trick in restocking
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick

Here is a poster from the 90s that will complete your collection or simply adorn one of the walls of your magical sanctuary or any other magical place. Dimensions: 43.5 x 28 cm.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
No difficulty for this magic's trick

Roughing Balm V2 Strong Edition - Unmatched efficiency for all your gaff card needs!

tour de magie
magic's trick
Magic's trick in restocking
magic's trick in video demonstration
No difficulty for this magic's trick

( Card-Shark)

This set includes a 400 ml Phoenix spray and a set of boards made to spread all the cards of your deck to treat them. Thanks to it, the cards will not fly away under the breath of the spray and you will obtain an obtimal quality.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Magic's trick in restocking
No difficulty for this magic's trick

( Card-Shark)

This set includes a 400 ml Phoenix spray and a set of boards made to spread all the cards of your deck to treat them. Thanks to it, the cards will not fly away under the breath of the spray and you will obtain an obtimal quality.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Magic's trick in restocking
No difficulty for this magic's trick

( Card-Shark)

This set includes a 400 ml Phoenix spray and a set of boards made to spread all the cards of your deck to treat them. Thanks to it, the cards will not fly away under the breath of the spray and you will obtain an obtimal quality.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
No difficulty for this magic's trick

( Card-Shark)

This set includes a 400 ml Phoenix spray and a set of boards made to spread all the cards of your deck to treat them. Thanks to it, the cards will not fly away under the breath of the spray and you will obtain an obtimal quality.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
No difficulty for this magic's trick

(Harry Robson)

When you rub the surface of the stick against a card, it will act as roughing fluid does, only better. The cards stay together in roughed pairs, yet are more easily separated without fumbling whenever you want. The stick leaves NO RESIDUE, and with the roughing stick supplied you can create at least 150 Invisible Decks! This is, for all purposes, a LIFETIME supply. The best part? It's so inexpensive.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
No difficulty for this magic's trick

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