Grid Series Two - Typographic Playing Cards
Designed by Luke Wadey, the Grid Playing Cards is a three-part collection based on the design principles of the International Typographic Style, otherwise known as the 'Swiss Style' of graphic design.
Designed by Luke Wadey, the Grid Playing Cards is a three-part collection based on the design principles of the International Typographic Style, otherwise known as the 'Swiss Style' of graphic design.
THE ULTIMATE CARD TO MOUTH! David brings to you the newest, ultimate card to mouth effect. Street tested and proven!
Voici encore une fabuleuse création de Mickael : Lorsqu'on sort un pistolet et que l'on tire dans le jeu, la balle a visiblement transpercé tout le jeu, sauf une seule carte qui n'est autre que la carte signée du spectateur ! En plus, tout peut être donné à l'examen ! Cool !
Cause a spectator's signature to transfer from one card to another whilst it is held in their own hands!
Cette carte se situe juste avant l’as de pique à cause de sa valeur qui est de un demi as de pique. Elle peux être très pratique pour de la magie comique ou toute autre routine du genre.
Hallpass is an ingenious device by Julio Montoro and James Anthony that lets you produce signed cards and predictions from within an ID holder in a clean and unsuspicious fashion.
Handshields are back with a completely different idea in mind.This time, the Jeans Edition is focused on style.
Four cards with candles are shown to the spectator. With the help of a lighter, three of the candles light up with a flame, while the fourth one turns into a birthday cake.
Cette carte Bicycle très spéciale a l’avantage d’avoir un double index, vous y trouverez donc sur sa face le valet de cœur et le valet de carreau. Le dessin de la figure est celle du Valet de cœur.
Cette carte Bicycle très spéciale a l’avantage d’avoir un double index, vous y trouverez donc sur sa face la dame de cœur et la dame de carreau. Le dessin de la figure est celle du dame de cœur.
Heka is one of the most important divinity in the ancient Egypt and represents magic and medicine: so, basically, it represents science.
An incredible routine from one of the world's leading card workers. Super strong card magic, full of surprises and with a mind blowing climax.
An automatic magic trick of a card in a wallet. delivered with 2 cards decks and white cards. And overall, with this magic wallet !
Gimmick cards have long helped magicians easily achieve incredible effects that are usually only possible after years of practice with difficult manipulation techniques.
Sebastien Calbry's creativity, associated with professional magician Thibault Surest's high standards, both led to the creation of this pure jewel. All you need is to see your spectators' reactions when they see a card rising in the air, between 2 other cards, and slowly change!
Ce tour de Dominique Duvivier en séduira plus d’un…il va vous permettre de bluffler votre public et les joueurs de poker, de façon très simple, puisqu’il ne nécessite aucune manipulation particulière.
Un effet très visuel où le spectateur va réaliser la magie par lui-même ! Une carte signée va traverser deux cartes reliées entre elles par une gommette autocollante également signée !
Amazing! Four holes in the corners of a card that suddenly move to the centre of it and disappear completely at the end? Visual effect guaranteed!
The legendary Holely is back AND BEYOND. This set cotains BOTH Original Holely AND Beyond Holely disk sets with according props. Move a hole on a working credit card or any borrowed and unprepared bills, newspaper, or even onto a water bottle!
You show a karate headband, which you start wearing. Because of this headband, you tell them, you receive special magician powers. When you hit the deck of cards with your fist, you cut the observer's card in two and shoot it in the air.
The famous trick from Menny Lindenfeld After having perforated a signed card, you will be able to move the hole several times on the card to finally vanish it.
Hologram c'est juste ENORME ! Le spectateur choisi librement une carte qui est "marquée" au dos à l'aide d'une gommette jaune. Vous perdez la carte dans le jeu et expliquez qu'elle va remonter à vue au dessus du jeu. Grâce à la gommette, on pourra la voir remonter sur le jeu de manière ultra visuelle !
Honeybee Elite Edition brings Penguin's acclaimed Honeybee brand into our Elite family. We've combined the beauty and practicality of a borderless deck with the incredible feel of our Elite Edition lineup of decks.
JL Magic introduces their "Bicycle Honor Edition Deck" to you. This is a high quality Bicycle deck with a new marking system that is both easy to read and very difficult to detect.
Hoodie Catches is the modern approach to the Card Stab effect, using an everyday hoodie. The spectator signs a card, which subsequently gets lost inside the deck.